The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is an unforgettable novel by John Boyne, set during World War II. The story is told through the eyes of nine-year-old Bruno, the son of a Nazi officer stationed at Auschwitz. Bruno is a carefree boy with a vaguely heroic attitude, who plays, explores and dreams of adventure - until he moves to a new home and learns the reality of living in a concentration camp.Bruno is soon befriended by Shmuel, a boy his own age living on the other side of the electrified fence who wears the infamous striped pajamas. Their friendship blossoms despite the odds and Bruno finds himself increasingly curious about life on the other side. With a heart-wrenching resolution, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas reveals the power of friendship, strength in the face of adversity, and an unforgettable story of childhood innocence lost.Through Bruno’s eyes, readers are shown an intimate view of life in a concentration camp and the gravity of the terror and tragedy of the Holocaust. As a narrative, it is a profound testament to the resilience of the human spirit and our capacity to love in spite of hatred. This tragedy is a warning to confront our worst fears and prejudices, so that we may all strive to build a better, more peaceful future.
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