Omar Barghouti is the co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, a movement calling for non-violent social and political action against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. He is widely recognized as one of the most prominent advocates of Palestine liberation and has been highly praised for his humanitarian work and moral leadership. Barghouti is from the Arab-Palestinian minority within Israel, and he holds a masters degree in philosophy from Tel Aviv University and a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Nottingham. He was first exposed to Palestinian human rights abuses when he went to college in the 1980s, and he became an activist and advocate for his people soon after. Barghouti has been campaigning for Palestinian identification and inalienable rights through various nonviolent initiatives. He has received numerous awards for his efforts, including the Gandhi Peace Prize from the Indian government as well as numerous honorary degrees. His tireless work was also recognized in 2017, when he was a recipient of the prestigious Olof Palme Prize, an international honor granted to those who have made major contributions towards peace, democracy, and disarmament. Barghouti is an uncompromising opponent of Israeli policies of apartheid and colonization of the West Bank, and he believes that only non-violent resistance can bring about lasting peace and justice in the Middle East. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the subject of Palestinian liberation, and he continues to campaign for the rights of Palestinians everywhere. His work has inspired and empowered countless people across the world, and he stands out as a major moral leader for the advancement of human rights and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.
Add missing EndorsementBoycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights, written by human rights defender and author Omar Barghouti, is an essential source of information on a major yet largely neg...
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights, written by human rights defender and author Omar Barghouti, is an essential source of information on a major yet largely neg...
Omar Barghouti's lucid and morally compelling book is perfectly timed to make a major contribution to this urgently needed global campaign for justice, free- dom, and peace.
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights, written by human rights defender and author Omar Barghouti, is an essential source of information on a major yet largely neg...
I commend this excellent book by Omar Barghouti.... It challenges the international community to support the BDS campaign until the entire Palestinian people can exercise their inalienable rights to freedom and self-determination and until Israel fully complies with its obligations under international law. BDS is a call to refuse to be silent in the face of military occupation of the Palestinian people by the Israeli regime, apartheid, and colonialism. BDS is a nonviolent way in which each of us and our governments can follow our conscience and rightful moral and legal responsibility and act now to save Palestinian lives by demanding that the Israeli apartheid regime give justice and equality to all
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights, written by human rights defender and author Omar Barghouti, is an essential source of information on a major yet largely neg...
This is a book about the political actions necessary to hinder and finally to stop the Israeli state machine that is operating every day to eliminate the Palestinian people. It is like an engineer's report, not a sermon. Read it, decide, and then act.