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It’s Your Business: 183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business


It's Your Business: 183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business by Lisa Everson is an immensely helpful guidebook designed to help small business owners succeed. This empowering book is filled with sound advice, tips, and practical strategies to help entrepreneurs build their businesses. From setting achievable goals and pursuing your passion to managing cash flow and using the right software, each topic is covered in detail so readers have a comprehensive understanding of the principles they must master in order to build profitable businesses.Each chapter covers a different aspect of running a small business, such as marketing, branding, sales, and networking. Lisa Everson covers a complete set of topics, from finding start-up capital and investing for the long term to understanding digital marketing and making customers engage with your brand. With her extensive business background and experience she gives practical advice to readers from her own personal experience and case studies from successful businesses.In addition to tactical and operational advice, Everson provides resources and encouragement to those looking to start their own businesses and offers guidance to help business owners stay motivated and driven. She encourages small business owners to stay focused and to embrace the challenges that come with entrepreneurship. Her words of wisdom and advice provide motivation and inspiration when launching businesses.It's Your Business is the must-have guidebook for small business owners looking to take their ventures to the next level. Full of sound advice and practical tips, readers of all levels of experience will benefit from using this incredible resource. With its comprehensive look at business strategy and operations, it offers a roadmap to success.

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