How Google Works, written by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg, is the definitive guide to Google, from its history and leadership philosophy to its products and services. The book provides an inside look at how Google works, from its search and cloud services to its culture and environment. Through engaging anecdotes and case studies, the book offers an honest and thoughtful portrayal of what it takes to run a successful company and how Google has become a leader in technology.Through their combined experience of executive leadership and extensive research, the authors explore all aspects of Google, from its beginnings as a startup to its current status as a global powerhouse. They explore the secrets behind its expansive network of services, including search, mobile devices, data storage, maps, and more. The book details the intricate, behind-the-scenes decisions made to ensure customer satisfaction and product innovation.The book also looks at how Google works with partners, how it navigates the changing landscape of technology and how it keeps up with customer trends and industry developments. The authors’ insights are invaluable for both current and aspiring entrepreneurs and businesspeople. The book provides an influential and informative look at how one of the world’s most successful corporations operate, offering a roadmap for success that any business can capitalize on. How Google Works is an essential guide for any inquisitive reader.
Add missing EndorsementI have this stack of books, and honestly I've got to get to this stack and choose from among them. The book I started reading and put down was How Google Works by Eric Schmidt. I was fascinated by the first five or so chapters, but I had to put it down.
There’s a lot of good stuff in there about how technically focused the company is and how they empower people to make bottom-up decisions.I do wonder how much of that is the way Google actually works versus the way they want Google to work, but it’s influenced my thinking regardless.
After reading How Google Works I just became fascinated with Google culture and I hope to understand a bit more about what unique things they're doing right that we aren't.
How Google Works is a good insight to a large corporate in the tech world.
"I’m a technical guy. I studied the IT field and did software development for a long time until I discovered the business world. So the path for me is to slowly adapt from the clear, technical world, to the fuzzy, way more complex, business world. All the books that I recommend help this transition. “How Google Works” - Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg: for understanding a product, a team and a company and their interactions."
Given that we work in this fast-changing environment, I think anyone who wants to start a career in digital marketing (SEO and content in particular) should cultivate his/her capacity to constantly learn, experiment and innovate. How Google Works is just for that. How Google Works is not about the technical functioning of its services, but how this culture inside the company influence its products.