ihan Ryan Lenihan is the founder and Design Director of The Workbench. He brings over 15 years of design experience to the company, allowing him to bring a strong eye for detail and an entrepreneurial approach to product design. He has a deep understanding of design, coupled with a passion for quality and innovation. Ryan has successfully launched several products for high-profile, internationally recognised brands. Projects include a virtual shopping mall for Huawei, a 3D printing platform, and a 3D printing/manufacturing workflow tool, among others. He is a visionary and has been recognized as a leader in his field for years. His innovative approach to design has made him a sought-after collaborator. He has worked closely with multinational companies such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's, and HSBC, to create brand-defining product experiences. He continues to build a portfolio of successful projects, providing a great example of how to turn design into tangible business results. At The Workbench, Ryan heads an experienced design team that are passionate about being at the forefront of innovation. He ensures that every project is designed to bring out its true potential, paying attention to details and process. He is also responsible for creating The Workbench's development system, allowing him to work closely with clients to turn their ideas into reality. Ryan's approach to product design and team building means projects are always completed to the highest of professional standards and are sure to generate the desired traction within their desired markets. A testament to his level of talent and dedication, Ryan's commitment to excellence can be seen in the countless successful endeavors that have come from The Workbench.
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